Data science competition platforms you need to know about

Opetunde Adepoju
1 min readApr 2, 2018

Personally, I believe the best and fastest way to learn data science, especially as a beginner is by working on projects or competitions and this is because the traditional approach to learning cannot keep up with the pace at which the field advances.

For data science competition platforms, Kaggle is known to be the most popular platform. However, many beginners get intimidated by Kaggle grand masters, ranks etc, which leaves them caught in the web of the traditional approach to learning: the learn-everything-first-before-taking-up-a-challenge approach and this slows down their learning process. In this post, I have curated other data science competition platforms that data scientists, machine learning specialists, AI programmers, no matter their level of expertise, might consider working with. So here it goes:

  1. The popular Kaggle
  2. DrivenData
  3. Crowd AnalytiX
  4. Codalab
  5. DataScienceChallenge

Some other annual competitions include

  1. KDD Data mining and Knowledge Discovery cup
  2. VizDoom AI competition

If you think there are other data science competition platforms I have not listed here, please put them in the comment section below. Thank you



Opetunde Adepoju

Data science | AI | ML. Open to exciting challenges. Sharing what I learn in data science and ML. Let’s connect: